At 1st Summit Bank, one of our top priorities is keeping your bank information secure. However, digital banking security is a team effort, so we all need to work together. You are the first line of defense to stop scammers. We can help you.

We have compiled a list of easy tips you can use right now to keep scammers at bay when you are banking online or on your mobile phone.

Make Sure Only You Can Access Your Phone

Use a passcode or the biometrics capabilities on your phone to unlock it. Biometric capabilities are using fingerprint, face recognition, or voice recognition.

Also, if you use a passcode to access your phone, enable the two-step verification process. Two-step verification process is when you enter the passcode and then your device requests that you enter another code it sent via email, text, or phone call. 

Making sure you are the only one who can access your phone is beneficial for not only keeping your banking information safe, but also for keeping all your personal information safe. Now we carry an excessive about of information in our phones – credit cards, IDs, pictures, access to apps, and so much more.

Avoid Public Wi-Fi

Never log onto public wi-fi (like when you are at Starbucks or Panera) when accessing your bank account online. Public wi-fi is an open connection and is extremely unsafe. Always use cellular data on your phone when accessing online sites.

In addition, always make sure your home wi-fi network is private and password-protected. 

Don’t Click on Links in Texts

If you receive a text message unexpectedly from an unknown sender asking you to click on a link, don’t do it. This is a common ploy of scammers to get you to click on a link to a false webpage in order to trick you into entering your personal and financial information. Always call the sender of the text first.

If the unknown sender texts that he is from your bank and asks you to log into your account, don’t click on the link. Your bank will never send you a link to log into your account. Always access your online account from the 1st Summit Bank website or from the mobile app.

About 1st Summit Bank –

A true community bank for the past century, 1st Summit Bank primarily focuses on relationship banking for both consumers and businesses within our region.  1st Summit Bank provides banking, financial, and investment services through 18 full-service community offices and a loan production office within Cambria, Westmoreland, Blair, Somerset, and Indiana counties.